Friday, April 21, 2017

First time Airbnb Hosts

After a full year of prepping StarBase, we finally put the cottage on Airbnb at the end of February.  Preparations included changing the battery, staging the place and taking photos, coordinating with our neighbours,  clearing out clutter, and writing up the listing.  It was definitely not a small amount of work.  To my surprise, the listing had overwhelming response.  Last weekend, our first guests stayed over and it turned out to be such a positive experience.  Our place has hiccups and even more so during the colder months.  Thus I only opened up the calendar from April to October.   This April has been surprisingly warm but not warm enough to go without heat. The house, with its radiant in-floor heating, has always been tricky to get hotter than 17 degrees without starting a fire.  Our guests were good sports and with a few simple instructions managed to get the place to stay at a balmy 21 degrees all weekend.  We breathed a sigh of relief when the weekend was over.  But now, we eagerly await our next guests in May.

Speaking of colder months, here is a picture that I forgot to post from back in February.  The boys managed to do a bit of minimalist ice fishing sans hut on the few days that the Bay of Quinte froze over.  A few perches were caught but nothing substantial enough to write home about.  Maybe next year, we will have better luck with the Bay freezing and with the catch.

Poor Perch!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


This was a post from last year that was sitting in Draft mode!!

Whenever we head to the cottage with our families (Nick's parents or my sister and brother-in-law), we are extra thankful for the extra pairs of hands to help wrangle our kids. Can you blame us? Kids are tiring!  When you want to nap, they don't.  When you you want to sleep in, a toddler is crawling on your face.

But no matter what, they will grow up quickly and we have to cherish all these little moments.